The ‘Team 3A’ (Amar, Apoiar e Alimentar in Portuguese; love, support and feed in English) is made up of a group of friends belonging to the catechists’ group, the youth group [...]
“Quero o meu coração grande como o mar, alegre como o sol, puro como as estrelas”. Estas são palavras de Carla Zichetti. Permitam que lhes fale de ela. Esta menina italiana ficou só no mundo [...]
At the Claret Granada and Seville Residences for the Elderly, they never cease to celebrate love and friendship every day as the great family that they are, always with the necessary safety and [...]
Mk 1: 29-39 Sunday, February 7, 2021 (5th TO B) Today’s first reading is from the book of Job. It tells us the experience of an innocent man who suffers endless hardships, and [...]
Quando João Paulo II foi eleito Papa, li alguns dos seus poemas, entre os quais “A loja do ourives”. Narra a história duma senhora abandonada pelo marido e que, por isso, resolveu ir vender o seu [...]
“O amor é o meu peso”– declarava Santo Agostinho, referindo-se ao amor a Deus e ao próximo. “Tanto peso, quanto amo” – queria ele dizer. O amor egoísta é leve como o vento. Não pesa, não vale [...]
November 8th, 2020. 32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME. Mt 25, 1-13 In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells us the parable of the ten girls who go to a wedding banquet, and some are foolish and [...]
FRIDAY 21 AUGUST Matthew 22, 34-40: “What is the chief commandment of the law? Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your [...]
WEDNESDAY 24 JUNE Luke 1, 57-66.80: “The time came for Elizabeth to give birth, and she brought forth a son… John is his name… the hand of the Lord was with him”. In the [...]
FRIDAY 22ND MAY John 16, 20-23a: “Your sorrow shall be turned to joy… your heart shall rejoice, and no one shall take your joy from you.” Difficulties, moments of pain, loss of [...]