Mark 1, 21b-28 Sunday, 31 January 2021 (4th OT B) Jesus begins his ministry. He has chosen the first disciples and goes with them to Capernaum, and according to his custom, on the [...]
SATURDAY 30th JANUARY 2021 Mark 4, 35-41: “When it was evening, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let us go across to the other side.’ ” Today’s Gospel begins [...]
30 January marks the Day of Peace and Nonviolence. Education in and for tolerance, solidarity, harmony, respect for human rights, non-violence and peace are reasons to remember on this day. Pope [...]
FRIDAY 29th JANUARY 2021 Mark 4, 26-34: “To what can we compare the kingdom of God? With a mustard seed: when sown in the ground, it is the smallest of seeds, but after it is sown, it [...]
Acho que, no Mundo e na Igreja de hoje, muita gente – e eu, pecador, também – vive em heresia. Isso mesmo: heresia vital. Esta expressão usou-a, há bastantes anos, Igor Caruso que, além de [...]
The whole family of the Claret Granada and Seville homes for the elderly has completed the vaccination process to deal with the COVID-19. As it could not be otherwise, in both residences during [...]
THURSDAY 28th JANUARY 2021 Mark 4, 21-25: “The measure you use will be used with you, and more than that. For to him who has more shall be given, and from him who has not shall be taken [...]
At the end of 2020, the boys and girls in the 4th year of Primary School at Claret School in Las Palmas worked on an activity in their Language unit called ‘I have a letter for you! In it, [...]
WEDNESDAY 27th JANUARY 2021 Mark 4, 1-20: “The sower went out to sow… Some fell by the wayside… A little fell on rocky ground… A some fell among the brambles… The [...]
January 26 is World Environmental Education Day to raise awareness of the fine line between human development and the conservation of the planet. The environment has been seen for many years as [...]