Mark 9, 2-10: Sunday 28th February 2021 (2nd T C B) This Sunday’s word of God is a call to put all our trust in God our Father: the sacrifice of Isaac, the transfiguration of the [...]
SATURDAY 27th FEBRUARY 2021 Matthew 5, 43-48: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. In this way you will be children of your Father in heaven, who makes his sun rise on [...]
The young catechists of the Parish of St. Francis of Asís in Mira Sintra (Portugal) began to prepare last October 2020 for the next World Youth Day to be held in Lisbon in 2023, with the aim of [...]
FRIDAY 26th FEBRUARY 2021 Matthew 5, 20-26: “If, when you are about to place your gift on the altar, you remember right there that your brother has a complaint against you, leave your gift [...]
“Quero o meu coração grande como o mar, alegre como o sol, puro como as estrelas”. Estas são palavras de Carla Zichetti. Permitam que lhes fale de ela. Esta menina italiana ficou só no mundo [...]
Throughout the year, and on a daily basis, we must not forget to have gestures with our neighbours, those that help to build bonds of fraternity with a brother or sister. At Claret School in Las [...]
THURSDAY 25th FEBRUARY 2021 Matthew 7, 7-12: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you; for he who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and [...]
The General Government has chosen the logo for the XXVI General Chapter. Among the 27 proposals received, it was the one made by Fr. Maximino Cerezo Barredo. It is in keeping with the chosen [...]
WEDNESDAY 24th FEBRUARY 2021 Luke 11, 29-32: “This generation is a perverse generation. It asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah”. We [...]
At the Claret Granada and Seville Residences for the Elderly, they never cease to celebrate love and friendship every day as the great family that they are, always with the necessary safety and [...]