Commentary for Sunday: 7th February

Mk 1: 29-39


Sunday, February 7, 2021 (5th TO B)


Today’s first reading is from the book of Job. It tells us the experience of an innocent man who suffers endless hardships, and this brings him face to face with God. But it is in this encounter with God that he realises that it is not God who destroys, but God who loves.


Why does pain, suffering, war, hunger, evil continue in our lives? In our encounter with God we must come to discover not the “why” (life is like that), but the “what for”. God does not want evil in our lives, that is why he sends his Son, who in today’s Gospel tells us that he cured many of the evils that afflicted them. He spent his life doing good, healing and delivering from all evils.


Faced with the reality that surrounds us, faced with the evil that is so present in our lives, what do we Christians do, do we avoid the problem, do we go around it, what is my attitude? We are not asked to perform miracles like Jesus. There are times when “healing broken hearts” only requires closeness, interest, sincere affection, an outstretched hand, a welcoming attitude, a timely word.


If our life is spent “in this valley of tears”, as a follower of Jesus who does not lose hope, we must bring to others the love of God that we enjoy.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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