The Via Crucis of the Brotherhood of the Expiration of Cordoba, presided over by its Titular – the Holy Christ of the Expiration – took place on 1 April at 21.00 hours in the Royal [...]
April has been a month full of books, readers and promotors in PROCLADE Bética. These are the roles of the participants of Human Libraries, one of the Education for Development programmes [...]
Last Good Friday the Sermon of the Seven Words was held in the Church of San Pablo in Cordoba, preached by Fr. Manuel Mª Carrasco cmf, rector of the Church and which was attended by a large [...]
Our two communities in Cordoba (Spain) celebrated the Feast of the Heart of Mary together last Saturday. They ate in the community of Miralbaida and celebrated the Eucharist in the community of [...]
Our Parish, Heart of Mary in Cordoba (Spain) , celebrated its patron saint’s day last week. From the 3rd to the 5th it was the triduum and on Saturday the 6th the main celebration. Share [...]
The Rocio Brotherhood of Cordoba (Spain) has its headquarters in the Church of San Pablo, run by our community of Cordoba-San Pablo. Yesterday they celebrated their Main Eucharist which, due to [...]
During these days, the quinary to the Christ of the Expiration was celebrated in the Church of San Pablo in Cordoba (Spain). For its closing it has counted with the Cardinal Aquilino Bocos, cmf, [...]
As we have already reported in other news on this page, the Parishes of Córdoba had a very busy year end of the year. Among other things on December 21 they had a solidarity meal of Proclade. [...]
Our Parishes of St. Anthony Mary Claret and Heart of Mary of Cordoba (Spain) are living Christmas with great joy. Even the local press has written about their activities in a news item (you can [...]
This weekend the Alpha group that started this course in our parish Corazón de María de Córdoba (Spain), celebrated a conviviality in the Emmaus house of the Diocese. (“Alpha” is a [...]