The Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelisation (ECEM) has accompanied several batches of spiritual exercises and retreats during the month of May: – In the Monastery of Santa Paula of [...]
MONDAY 31st MAY 2021 Luke 1, 46-56: “Mary said, ‘My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour, for he has looked upon the humiliation of his [...]
Matthew 28, 16-20: Sunday, May 30th, 2021 (Holy Trinity) After Jesus had risen from the dead, he commanded the apostles to go to Galilee, where they would see him. When he saw them, he [...]
SATURDAY 29th MAY 2021 Mark 11, 27-33: “By what authority do you do this? Who gave you such authority?”. Jesus has just told the Pharisees that they have turned the temple of [...]
The month of May is coming to the end, and just as the Claret schools of Las Palmas and Don Benito have done, the Claret School of Seville has also kept the Heart of Mary, who has given it warmth [...]
FRIDAY 28th MAY 2021 Mark 11, 11-25: “Jesus saw from afar a fig tree with leaves on it, and he went over to see if he could find anything; when he came he found nothing but leaves.” [...]
In ancient meditations on Hell, a terrible sentence was applied to Plato and Aristotle: “Woe to you if you are praised where you are not and tormented where you are”. The famous [...]
PROCURA – Missões Claretianas has received from Santo Tomé some images of the delivery of more than 30 sets of school material for the children of the community of Vista Alegre. We thank [...]
THURSDAY 27th MAY 2021 Mark 14, 12a.22-25: “Take, this is my body …. This is my blood”. Today we celebrate Jesus Christ High and Eternal Priest. Jesus at the table of the [...]
The Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (CIC) organises an annual exhibition of the school’s educational offer, with the work produced by its students. Given the impossibility of holding the [...]