On 29 January 2002 our first three missionaries arrived in Zimbabwe: Fr. Amador Nuñez Vecino, Fr. Luis Mª Guerrero Serón and Fr. Antonio Llamas Forte. It is now eighteen years since the [...]
Last weekend (January 24-26) 40 young confirmation candidates participated in a spiritual retreat in Buckden, as part of the preparation for receiving the sacrament. Share on: WhatsApp
FRIDAY 31 JANUARY Mark 4, 26-34: “To what can we compare the kingdom of God? With a mustard seed: when sown on the ground it is the smallest of seeds, but once sown it grows, it becomes [...]
Our Congregation is 150 years old since the arrival of the first missionaries in America (January 21, 1870). A Jubilee Year has begun on this occasion. The religious press has echoed this, as you [...]
January 28, Father Belchior de Matos Cardoso died in Carvalhos (Portugal). We attach here a note with the most significant data of his life. Let us pray for this brother who has left us so that [...]
THURSDAY 30 JANUARY Mark 4, 21-25: “The measure you use will be used for you, and more than that. For to him who has shall be given more, and from him who has not shall be taken away even [...]
Last Sunday was the Day of the Missionary Childhood, of the Pontifical Mission Societies. In the Diocese of Seville (Spain) the main event was held in the sports centre of our Claret School. [...]
WEDNESDAY 29 JANUARY Mark 4, 1-20: “The sower went out to sow… Some fell by the wayside… Some fell on rocky ground… A little more fell among the brambles… The rest [...]
In our Parish of Hayes there is a group of walkers called “Saint Claret”. Every week they walk two miles to end with a prayer in front of the Founder´statue. Here are some photos of [...]
TUESDAY 28 JANUARY 2020 Mark 3, 31-35: “Jesus asks them, ‘Who are my mother and my brothers? And looking at those sitting around, He says, ‘These are my mother and my brothers. [...]