FRIDAY, MAY 1 John 6, 52-59: “My flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in him. The Jews do not understand, and [...]
In this time of pandemic we continue to pray for our communities. And we do so by showing the images of the houses where our brothers are living in confinement. Today we invite you to pray for [...]
THURSDAY, APRIL 30TH John 6, 44-51: “I am the bread of life.” Jesus continues to present himself today as the bread of life. We need the material bread to feed our bodies. We need the [...]
In this time of pandemic we continue to pray for our communities. And we do so by showing the images of the houses where our brothers are living in confinement. Today we invite you to pray for [...]
WEDNESDAY 29TH APRIL Matthew 11, 25-30: “Jesus answered and said, I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and learned and revealed [...]
In this time of pandemic we continue to pray for our communities. And we do so by showing the images of the houses where our brothers are living in confinement. Today we invite you to pray for [...]
TUESDAY, APRIL 28 John 6, 30-35: “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will not hunger, and he who believes in me will never thirst. Pope Benedict XVI once told us that Christianity [...]
The Rocio Brotherhood of Cordoba (Spain) has its headquarters in the Church of San Pablo, run by our community of Cordoba-San Pablo. Yesterday they celebrated their Main Eucharist which, due to [...]
In this time of pandemic we continue to pray for our communities. And we do so by showing the images of the houses where our brothers are living in confinement. Today we invite you to pray for [...]
MONDAY 27TH APRIL John 6, 22-29: “Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” God wants us to be [...]