Among the activities that the Church of the Heart of Mary (Los Padres de Almendralejo) carries out on these dates, as a symbol of Advent it lights a candle every Sunday so that it is the light [...]
MONDAY 16 NOVEMBER Luke 18, 35-43: “As Jesus approached Jericho, there was a blind man sitting by the roadside begging for alms… He cried out, ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy [...]
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Mt 25:1-13) The Parable of the Wise and the Foolish girls can remind us that we must always keep faith with the “return of Jesus” and be prepared during [...]
Um amigo meu perdidinho por café e que, por mal das suas maleitas, nem o pode cheirar, quando entra no bar da esquina pede maliciosamente “um desgraçado”. Achincalha desse modo o miserável [...]
FRIDAY 23RD OCTOBER Luke 12, 55-59: “How can you not know how to interpret the present time? How can you not judge for yourselves what is to be done? Today we all believe that we understand [...]
TUESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER John 19, 25-27: “When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold your son! Then he said to the disciple, [...]
28 June 2020. 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time Mt 10, 37-42 The Christian does not believe in a doctrine or ideas. He believes in a Person, in Jesus, the Son of God. And being his disciple is [...]
WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 John 12, 44-50: “I came into the world as light, and so whoever believes in me will not be left in darkness.” These past days, Jesus presented himself to us as the [...]
TUESDAY, MARCH 31 John 8, 21-30: “Who are you?” The Jews are baffled by the person of Jesus. And in this bewilderment, they ask Jesus directly who He is. Jesus also answers directly: [...]
Já contei que, um dia, vi a morte a poucos metros de distância, sob a forma dum carro cinzento-escuro que se atravessou na minha frente. Mais do que pelas dores, chorei de raiva por ver estragada [...]