Serving the Word: 23th October


Luke 12, 55-59:
“How can you not know how to interpret the present time? How can you not judge for yourselves what is to be done?

Today we all believe that we understand everything: politics, religion, medicine, fashion, trends…
We all believe that we know how to interpret the present time: we interpret politics, religion, the Church…
We believe we know how to interpret everything because we believe we are doctors in everything.
☆Do we really know how to interpret ourselves?
☆ Do we really know how to judge for ourselves what should be done?
☆ Do we do what we are told or do we do what the Lord tells us?
☆ Do we know how to interpret the voice of the Lord within us?
☆, Do we know how to interpret those impulses of the Holy Spirit that lead us every day to greater fidelity to the Gospel?
Ask the Lord today that you always know how to interpret his will in order to fulfil it.
Ask the Lord today to always give you light to serve more and better.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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