Dizia Santo António Maria Claret, figura do século XIX, que devíamos ter “para com Deus coração de filhos, para com as pessoas coração de mãe e para com nós próprios coração de juíz”. Bebeu este [...]
“O amor é o meu peso”– declarava Santo Agostinho, referindo-se ao amor a Deus e ao próximo. “Tanto peso, quanto amo” – queria ele dizer. O amor egoísta é leve como o vento. Não pesa, não vale [...]
THURSDAY 12 NOVEMBER Luke 17, 20-25: “The kingdom of God will not come in a spectacular way… The Kingdom of God is within you”. It is only seen well with the heart. “The [...]
TUESDAY DECEMBER 10 Matthew 18, 12-14: “Jesus said to his disciples, “Suppose a man has a hundred sheep; if one is lost, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and go to [...]
Matthew 6, 19-23: “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”. What or who do you call your treasure?. There will be people whose treasure is money or power or fashion or [...]
Mark 8, 27-33: And you, “Who do you say that I am?”. Who do you say Jesus is?. To tell others who Jesus is, you have to be clear about who Jesus is for you. And this is a question you [...]