Matthew 8, 18-22: “When Jesus saw the great crowds all about him, he gave orders to cross to the other side”. We have recently seen that following Jesus leads us to a confidence and [...]
Dizia bem a poetisa de Glória Fuertes: “Aqueles que nada têm dormem a sono solto num banco, sob a ponte, bebem na taberna, dizem: Deus lhe pague, coçam uma perna, comem um tomate e parecem [...]
Our Congregation celebrates this year the Feast of the Heart of Mary this Monday, July 1. However, in some of our pastoral centers it is celebrated today. On the occasion of this important date, [...]
30 June 2019. (13º TOC) Jesus set out from his own land to Jerusalem, where his total surrender to the will of God will culminate. On the way he was instructing his disciples how to follow him. [...]
Matthew 16, 13-19: “You are the Christ the Son of the living God”. Peter’s profession of faith is the foundation of the church. His profession of faith in Jesus as Messiah is [...]
Our Province has three “official” languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. That’s why the work of translating is very important. We thank José Augusto Correia de Oliveira and [...]
Luke 15, 3-7: “Jesus said: Who of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the missing one till he found it?”. I [...]
Our Parish of San Juan in Don Benito (Spain), celebrated this past Monday the traditional procession with the holder of the Parish, within the framework of the festival of San Juan Bautista. Here [...]
We pray for the parishes that we care for pastorally from our community of Valencia del Ventoso (Spain). On Sunday they celebrated intensely the feast of Corpus Christi, with beautiful carpets [...]
Matthew 7, 21-29: “He who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on rock.” The summer that we are beginning to enjoy can be a [...]