Serving the Word: 28th January


Mark 4, 21-25:

“The measure you use will be used with you, and more than that. For to him who has more shall be given, and from him who has not shall be taken away even that which he has.”


We are very used to measurements.

We measure time, we measure space, we measure things and we even measure people.

And most often, we measure to take advantage:

* we measure time to get paid,

* we measure the space to speculate,

* we measure people by what they can provide us with…


Today Jesus tells us in the Gospel that the measure we use for others will also be used for us.

He has only one measure: that of love, mercy and forgiveness.

And he invites us to use only this measure. The measure of free and disinterested love.

Don’t forget that the measure of Christian love is to love as Jesus loved. And Jesus loved without measure.

Today, break all your measures of weight, length or capacity and make Jesus’ measure your own.

If you make his your own, he will measure you with his.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf


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