Vaccination at the Claret Granada and Seville care homes

The whole family of the Claret Granada and Seville homes for the elderly has completed the vaccination process to deal with the COVID-19.

As it could not be otherwise, in both residences during this time all the necessary measures have been taken to alleviate its effects, they have taken care of each other and they have joined forces to overcome the obstacles that have arisen.

The residences have not forgotten to thank all the support, “we want to share all this with you and we want to say THANK YOU to all the families of our residents, to our professionals who have always been in the front line defending our elderly and to all those people who have been at the foot of the cannon”.

We pray for all the people who are part of both residences.

Here are two videos, one prepared by Residencia Claret Granada and the other from a coverage by Andalucía Directo of Canal Sur in Residencia Claret Sevilla (the full interview by clicking here, between minutes 13:40 and 18:22).



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