Proclade Canarias has presented its Report corresponding to the actions carried out in the year 2021. The NGOD thanks the effort of all the people who have made possible all the work done with [...]
God becomes flesh! The Word becomes LIGHT! A new-born baby is the LIGHT of the world made into a baby and wrapped in swaddling clothes! During this Christmas season, discover the LIGHT wrapped in [...]
Since the beginning of Advent, Colegio Claret in Don Benito has been developing the activity ‘Hazle Hueco’. Through the Advent calendar, made in each class by the tutors and the [...]
This year, the 24th of October, Solemnity of St. Anthony Mary Claret, falls on a Sunday and coincides with the World Mission Day (DOMUND). It is a beautiful opportunity to share, with joy, the [...]
The encounters to celebrate the Claretian Missionary October 2021 (CMO 2021), to learn more about mission experiences in different contexts (Africa, America and Europe), are coming to an end. On [...]
We continue celebrating the Claretian Missionary October 2021 (CMO 2021) where we want to know more closely mission experiences in different contexts (Africa, America and Europe). On this [...]
Very good, to celebrate the Claretian Missionary October (CMO 2021), we propose you to know more about mission experiences in different contexts (Africa, America and Europe). We hope that you [...]
On the weekend of September 24-26, after a difficult time marked by the absence of face-to-face meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Encounter of Volunteers of the Province of Fatima was [...]
The Spanish Youth Vocational Team (EPJV_Spain) is immersed in the last of this summer’s Christian convivences in Loja (Granada, Spain). After Genesis, Exodus for 1st Bachillerato and Exodus [...]
The Spanish Youth Vocational Team (EPJV_Spain) continues with the Christian convivences in Loja (Granada, Spain). After Exodus for 1st Bachillerato, it is the turn of the israelites of Exodus for [...]