Happy Father Claret Day!

This year, the 24th of October, Solemnity of St. Anthony Mary Claret, falls on a Sunday and coincides with the World Mission Day (DOMUND). It is a beautiful opportunity to share, with joy, the rich spiritual and missionary legacy of our Father and Founder with the People of God.

Moreover, this year is also marked by the recent celebration of our XXVI General Chapter, so we ask Fr. Claret to intercede for us and help us to be rooted in Christ and audacious in the Mission.

Finally, we do not forget that we are still in times of pandemic because of COVID-19. We place in Mary’s heart the whole of humanity and in a special way the people who suffer its consequences most closely. May the intercession of St. Anthony Mary Claret help us to definitively overcome this strong crisis and may we learn from him to be builders of a more fraternal and supportive world.


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