Dear family: We are in a process of change in our communication and web and social media maintenance. While we reorganise, it is possible that you will not see any activity or news on our [...]
SATURDAY 6th JANUARY 2024 Matthew 2, 1-12 “When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. They went into the house, saw the child with Mary his mother, and fell on their knees and worshipped [...]
Fr Artur Teixeira cmf writes to us again from Brazil, this time with musical news. As he tells us, the 9th of December was the last day of classes of the first year of the Claret School of Music [...]
FRIDAY 5th JANUARY 2024 John 1, 43-51 “Jesus meets Philip and says to him: “FOLLOW ME”. Philip finds Nathanael and says to him: “WE HAVE FOUND JESUS. COME AND SEE. Philip [...]
A young man was leaving a nightclub in Rio de Janeiro in the early hours of the morning when he saw two workers sleeping on boards at the edge of a building under construction. Then,” he [...]
At the beginning of December, the Claret School in Seville was the venue for one of the educational talks given by Escuelas Católicas. The speakers were Luis Alfonso García and Fernando Soriano, [...]
THURSDAY 4th JANUARY 2024 John 1, 35-42 “When Jesus saw that they were following him, he asked them, “What are you looking for? They answered him, ‘Rabbi (which means Teacher), [...]
On January 3, 1998, three lay people and four missionaries decided to give juridical form to a work that had been carried out for many years in favour of the promotion and integral development of [...]
WEDNESDAY 3rd JANUARY 2024 John 1, 29-34 “This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world….. I have seen and bear witness that this is the Son of God”. A few days [...]
Dear Three Wise Men. This year I am writing to you at short notice. By now, you must be in a hurry. I hope I am not late. I know I have not behaved very well, what am I going to deceive you. I [...]