John 1, 35-42
“When Jesus saw that they were following him, he asked them, “What are you looking for? They answered him, ‘Rabbi (which means Teacher), where do you live? He said to them, ‘Come and see’…. Andrew first found his brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah (which means Christ) and he brought him to Jesus”.
Let’s focus today on a question and an action that appear in this gospel:
+ The question: “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR?”
John’s disciples were looking for something in Jesus. They had seen something in the man pointed out to them by their teacher John.
Those fishermen sensed that their search, from now on, was not going to be limited to looking for a good catch. They sensed that the horizon of their lives was going to widen. They were looking to Jesus for more than just help to find a good catch.
Now ask yourself:
+ What am I looking for in my life?
+ Why do I struggle?
+ Why do I strive?
+ Why do I suffer?
+ Why do I toil?
+ Why do I…?
* Are you really looking for Jesus?
* Do you really want to know where he lives?
Andrew had a life experience of being with Jesus that day. His life was filled with joy and he had to share it. And not only did he share his experience with his brother Peter, but he also brought him to Jesus.
Ask yourself also how you bring others to Jesus from what you have learned or from what you have experienced with him.
Don’t forget: you are a missionary who has to lead others to Jesus. Do it from your experience of life with Him.
* Who are you going to bring to Jesus today or during these days?
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf