Serving the Word: 3rd January


John 1, 29-34

“This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world….. I have seen and bear witness that this is the Son of God”.

A few days ago we also commented on this text from the Gospel of John.

During the Christmas season we have contemplated and celebrated the Word made flesh, made man and in all things like man except sin.

You, like John, are also the voice of that Word. Fulfil, like John, your mission too.

May your testimony about Jesus be true, clear, clean. May your voice, backed by your life, shout loudly of the presence of Jesus in the wilderness of this world.

You have a hard and beautiful task for the year that has just begun. Take it with joy and enthusiasm. Shout loudly and show our world clearly that the Word has become flesh and has pitched his tent in our midst.

And may you too, like John, be able to exclaim: “This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world…. I have seen and bear witness that this is the Son of God”.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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