In ancient meditations on Hell, a terrible sentence was applied to Plato and Aristotle: “Woe to you if you are praised where you are not and tormented where you are”. The famous [...]
Proclade Betica has launched a new project, “Right to dream: promoting critical awareness with migrants for a global citizenship”, with the aim of promoting a global citizenship, [...]
THURSDAY 30th JUNE 2022 Matthew 9, 1-8: “Stand up, take up your mat and go home”. Today we are witnessing one of Jesus’ miracles. A paralytic is brought to him and Jesus, [...]
Some 1,200 students from the Claret School of Las Palmas took part in the XLVIII Sports-Cultural-Solidarity Olympiad in the facilities of the Tamaraceite section from 15th to 22nd June. The event [...]
WEDNESDAY 29th JUNE 2022 Matthew 16, 13-19: “You are the Messiah the Son of the living God”. Peter’s profession of faith is the foundation of the Church. His profession [...]
The ECEM (Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelisation) carried out a Mission in the Parish of San Antonio de Padua located in the Polvorín and San Antonio neighbourhoods of Las Palmas de Gran [...]
TUESDAY 28th JUNE 2022 Matthew 8, 23-27: “Jesus stood up, rebuked the winds and the lake, and there came a great calm.” Jesus never ceases to be very close to us. He himself [...]
On the occasion of the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (25 June), our Superior General, Fr Mathew Vattamattam, has prepared a message which is reproduced here: Dear brothers, The [...]
MONDAY 27th JUNE 2022 Matthew 8, 18-22: “When Jesus saw that many people crowded around him, he gave orders to cross over to the other side.” We have recently seen that [...]
Luke 9, 51-62: Sunday, 26th June 2022 (13th OT C) Jesus sets out on his journey from his homeland to Jerusalem, where he will complete his total surrender to the will of God. Along the way [...]