SATURDAY 30 NOVEMBER Matthew 4, 18-22: “Come and follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Immediately they left their nets and followed him. The preaching of Jesus in the Gospels [...]
The yoga group has started to meet last 20th november in our Hayes Parish. This is an activity which we intend to do in a regular basis. It’s open to any parishioners who might benefit from this [...]
FRIDAY 29 NOVEMBER Luke 21, 29-33: “Know that the kingdom of God is at hand. That Kingdom is so near that we have it within our heart. This must fill us with joy and hope. There are many [...]
On the 19th, the Pastoral Council of the Pilar de Santa Cruz de Tenerife Parish (Spain) met. In it the actions of the Claretian Missionary October were evaluated. And Advent was scheduled Share [...]
THURSDAY 28 NOVEMBER Luke 21, 20-28: “Arise, lift up your heads; your deliverance is near at hand. From the time we hear the first news of the day, until we retire to rest after turning off [...]
On November 16, the Heritage and Tourism course of our Colégio Internato Dos Carvalhos (Portugal) participated in the II National Meeting of Outdoor Hostelry: “A tourism option for [...]
WEDNESDAY 27 NOVEMBER Luke 21, 12-19: Jesus said to his disciples, “They will lay hands on you, they will persecute you, handing you over to the synagogues and to prison, and they will [...]
Last Thursday, November 21, the Heart of Mary of Las Palmas de GC Parish (Spain), celebrated the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in preparation for the feast of Jesus Christ King of the [...]
TUESDAY 26 NOVEMBER Luke 21, 5-11: “Jesus said to them, “Many will come using my name, saying, “I am he,” or else, “the time is near;” but do not go after [...]
SVP Annual Christmas Hamper of Buckden appeal has been lunched. Thus year they want to provide food items to make up 100 hampers for the needy of our area. Share on: WhatsApp