The Spanish Government has launched the reform of the Organic Law on Education (LOMLOE). This reform seriously attacks the right of families to freely choose where to educate their children and, [...]
Our schools in Zimbabwe have been closed for a long period of time because of the Covid-19. They have now resumed activities. They have now returned to classes at St Vincent’s in Ruwa. In [...]
As in other summers, these last days of August we are developing the training for new educators in our Schools. This time, in two batches: one in Seville – yesterday and today – for [...]
The Felipe Trigo Literature Prize is awarded in the town of Villanueva de la Serena (Spain). In this year’s edition, several of the students of our Claret School of Don Benito (Spain) have [...]
On June 27th, Portual published the ranking of the best schools in the country. Our CIC (Colegio Internato dos Carvalhos) was ranked 34th, while the previous 33 were totally private. [...]
Our Claret School in Las Palmas usually celebrates its traditional “Olympics” almost at the end of each school year. This year, due to the pandemic, they have had to adopt a different [...]
Our Claret School of Don Benito (Spain) has reopened its classrooms to the students who want to attend. Always following the security norms established by the COVID 19 pandemic. There have been [...]
The current situation is making our schools maximize their capacity to serve students and families as well as their commitment to innovation and creative initiatives. This has been the case with [...]
On Sunday, March 8, in our Claret School of Las Palmas (Spain), a gathering of Administration and Service workers (PAS) was held. There was time for everything, including the celebration of the [...]
Today, in many parts of the world, there is concern about the effects of coronavirus. In addition to taking human lives, it is affecting the development of many people’s lives. There is [...]