With the motto ‘Joy is Missionary’, which accompanies this time in the YVM, the first set of Spiritual Exercises of the year took place in Loja (Granada, Spain). It was a time to [...]
Together with the programming and preparation of various missionary activities that will be carried out during the present term, the Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelisation (ECEM) gave a [...]
During the month of July, the Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelization (ECEM) of the Province of Fatima has been dedicated to give a series of spiritual exercises. One of them, in the House of [...]
Under the motto “The inner journey of the Disciple”, from July 16 to 22, the Spiritual Exercises took place in the House of Hosting and Spirituality in Fatima with the participation [...]
At the end of June, when it is not possible to carry out missionary actions in the parishes due to the end of the school year, the Missionary Team held some formation activities, such as the one [...]
In Zimbabwe, Fr. Amos Moses cmf, Prefect of Formation of the Independent Delegation of St. Charles Lwanga conducted a retreat for the Claretian missionaries of the mission present in the 3 [...]
The Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelization (ECEM) has been conducting a series of Spiritual Exercises in the House of Spirituality that the Mercedarian Sisters of Charity have in Cájar [...]
On the weekend of 17-19 February, in Loja (Granada, Spain), the YVM Spain Team held the second and last session of the Spiritual Exercises of the academic year 2022-23 with a group of young [...]
The Claretian Team Missionary Evangelisation (ECEM) has directed the annual spiritual exercises to the Franciscan Conceptionist Sisters of Campo Maior (Portugal). We pray that it has been a [...]
From the 2nd to the 4th of December, in Loja (Granada, Spain), the PJV_Spain Team offered the first batch of Spiritual Exercises for people over 18 years old. We join the Team in thanking the [...]