This was in Switzerland, but it could have been in Portugal or anywhere else. An old woman went into a self-service restaurant, ordered a bowl of broth, paid and sat down at one of the free [...]
If life were a song, what part of that song would I sing, a verse, a chorus? What is my rhythm in life? What is my VOCATION in the world? What does God want for me? The PJV Spain Team invited the [...]
THURSDAY 31st MARCH 2022 John 5, 31-47: “And you do not want to come to me that you may have LIFE!”. In today’s Gospel Jesus laments that the Jews do not believe in him. [...]
The young people of the parish of Nuestra Señora del Pilar in Tenerife held a meeting on 12 March at the Colegio de las Dominicas. It was a day of reflection and meeting around personal [...]
WEDNESDAY 30th MARCH 2022 John 5, 17-30: “My Father continues to act and I also act”. We sometimes believe that the saints have become saints by their own strength. And when we [...]
In these days leading up to Holy Week, the words of Jesus resound loudly: “Whoever wants to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses it for my sake will keep it” (Mt 10:39). It [...]
The teaching and support staff of St. Claret Chiutsi College in Zimbabwe gathered for a talk led by Fr. Matongo, Secretary for Education of the Diocese of Gokwe (Zimbabwe). The activity helped to [...]
TUESDAY 29 MARCH 2022 John 5:1-3,5-16: “Get up, take up your mat and start walking”. In today’s Gospel three imperatives appear on the lips of Jesus. They are three [...]
From March 11 to 13, Pedro Cabrera, member of the Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelisation (ECEM), was animating the annual retreat of a group of couples of the Teams of Our Lady (ENS). It [...]
MONDAY 28th MARCH 2022 John 4, 43-54: “The man believed in the word of Jesus and set out on the way”. Today’s Gospel official is marked by three verbs: INSIST, BELIEVE [...]