MONDAY 28th MARCH 2022
John 4, 43-54:
“The man believed in the word of Jesus and set out on the way”.
Today’s Gospel official is marked by three verbs: INSIST, BELIEVE and STARTED OUT ON THE WAY.
They are three verbs that define a follower of Jesus very well when he or she approaches Jesus to ask for something.
+ INSIST: Jesus always listens, but for our part we have to be “persistent “. Like a child who wants to get something from his parents. Don’t get tired of asking.
+ BELIEVE: trust in the power of Jesus. He continues to pronounce over each one of us “you are healed”. We just have to believe it as the official in this gospel believed it.
+ SETTING OUT ON THE ROAD: to believe in Jesus as Saviour is to leave and let go of that which we deceitfully believe saves us when in reality it enslaves us.
SETTING OUT ON THE ROAD is not to stop on our journey of faith.
SETTING OUT ON THE ROAD is to walk from rampart to rampart until we reach our goal.
Examine today the conjugation of these verbs in your life:
– How insistent are you in your prayer of petition?
– How do you believe?
– How are you continually walking and advancing in your life of faith?
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf