Logo of the XXVI General Chapter

The General Government has chosen the logo for the XXVI General Chapter. Among the 27 proposals received, it was the one made by Fr. Maximino Cerezo Barredo. It is in keeping with the chosen motto, “Rooted and audacious”.

Playing with the symbols of the heart (in red) and the arrow (in black), the chosen logo connects its Claretian background with the Chapter theme. Indeed, in the prayer that Claret used to address to Mary at the beginning of the popular missions, he recognised her as his formator (“You formed me in the forge of your heart”) and as the “director” of the mission entrusted to him (“I am like an arrow placed in your powerful hand”). The logo thus has a clear cordimarian and missionary meaning.

Using the symbols used by Claret, the logo expresses with clarity and simplicity the content of the Chapter motto: rooted (heart) and bold (arrow). The red of the heart evokes the fire of the definition of the missionary, the passion that moves us and the process of ongoing formation in the forge of the Heart of Mary: “men on fire with charity”. The black of the arrow highlights the solidity, firmness and endurance in the tribulations of the mission: “nothing daunts him”.

The legend with the motto below plays with these same colours. It uses a slightly slanted font to emphasise the dynamism and creativity that should characterise our life and mission.

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