The Claret Granada and Seville Care Homes for the Elderly ‘move’

The Claret Granada and Seville Care Homes for the Elderly are committed to ‘moving’, that is to say, to maintaining and seeking to improve the abilities of their residents which, as the years go by, are being lost.

As they do every week, the Claret Granada Residence for the Elderly carried out the therapeutic outings with its residents, trying to gradually get everyone out and about while enjoying the activity at the same time. In this way, the residents enjoy the fresh air and the feeling of respite, which also improves their autonomy and contributes to improving their quality of life and social wellbeing.

At the Claret Sevilla Residence for the Elderly they also work daily to keep our elderly people active and functional with workshops such as Gerontogymnastics and Cognitive Stimulation among others. Thus, through the Cognitive Stimulation activities and/or workshops they try to stimulate, rehabilitate and/or maintain their cognitive abilities such as attention, concentration, calculation, short and long term memory, language and writing, trying to maintain their mental abilities as long as possible while enhancing their autonomy; with music they also stimulate and promote interaction between residents; and through the group Gerontogymnastics and psychomotor skills workshops they promote sporting activity and maintain their physical and mental health.


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