Take care of your family: Talk as a family about the resurrection and what this means in our lives

The controversies that Jesus had with the priests of his time on the subject of death and resurrection, are still in existence today. The Gospel passage presented to us today leads us Christians to reflect on the God we believe in, based on whether or not we accept the death and resurrection of His own Son, Jesus Christ, and that links directly to the true image of God: the God of Life, a God of Love.
In addition, in the first reading we see the 7 Maccabean brothers and their mother, who died for
keeping their faith and belief in the existence of another life. From there we can ask ourselves if the life of our family is based on purely materialistic values (material well-being, wealth at the expense of everything and everyone, etc.) or whether it is governed by gospel values (life of service, of sharing, of love…)

Proposal to take care of the family this week:
Because of the importance of today’s topic, we could talk in our family environment and with those close to us on this aspect of our present and FUTURE life. Perhaps from questions such as these:
“Does our world today believe in the resurrection?
“Do we Christians truly believe in the resurrection?
-From the above, what is the true value we give to the things of our world?
“What concept of life do those of us who believe in the resurrection have?

PIlar López and Joaquin Devolx

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