Take care of your familiy: Do something that will help those in the family who need it most to live the joy of Easter


In a way, today’s reading speaks to us of a “family”: the one formed by all those who are witnesses of the resurrection, by all those who believe in Jesus and his living presence among us. And it is beautiful to see how such a family (Mary Magdalene, the beloved disciple, Peter…) nourish each other’s faith: they encourage each other to go to the empty tomb, they support each other to run together in search of the very best news, they “feed back” to announce to others the joy of Easter. This is how the dynamic of our families should be: to be for each other – besides being witnesses of faith – instruments of joy and stimuli to live in the key of LIFE in capital letters.

What if during these days, among all of us, we think of the member/s of the family who most needs to be touched by the joy of Easter – it could be one of us or a relative a little further away – and decide on something concrete to do make it happen?

PIlar López and Joaquín Devolx

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