Serving the Word: 6th January


Matthew 2, 1-12:

“When they saw the star, they were filled with great joy. They went into the house and saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him.”


The Magi set out because God had previously set out to meet them.

And, in them, also towards our meeting: “We have seen his star rise”.

We can only find God because he has previously sought us, he continues to seek us and he will continue to seek us.

Today God allows Himself to be found by the unknown, by those who are not on the list of those invited or in the registers of those who have all the rights.

The Magi must leave Herod’s palace, they must leave the holy city of Jerusalem to follow the star and meet the child in the “peripheries”.

They find him with Mary, his mother, and they kneel before him.

The Child’s littleness is not an impediment to seeing God in him.

On the contrary, this simplicity and smallness is the transparency of God Himself.

This feast of the manifestation of the Lord is not intended for those who know much and have much power.

It is destined for children, for the humble, for all those who set out because they discover a “star”.

To all those who go out to the “peripheries”, to all those who expose themselves to the elements and to all those who know how to kneel before the smallness of a God made a child.

May the Three Kings find you today and always be small so that they can give you lots of good things.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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