Serving the Word: 23rd January


Mark 3, 20-21:

“Jesus went home with his disciples and so many people gathered that they did not even let them eat. When his family heard this, they came to take him away, because they said he was not in his right mind.”


St. John of God was called the “Madman of Granada” because his actions were not “normal”.

A person in love acts more from the heart than from the head.

Saint John of God, like all the saints, was a faithful follower of Jesus. And Jesus was in love with the things of the Father.

Jesus fell in love with the poor, the sick, children, the weak, those who do not count. And his heart led him to act on behalf of all of them. That is why his own relatives came to believe that he was crazy.

And certainly that Jesus suffered from the “madness of love”.

Let us hope that they also think of us, Jesus’ followers, as “crazy”. May they also say that “we are not in our right mind” because we are in love with the things of the Father.

Try to perform today, even if it is very small, some “madness of love”.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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