From 5 to 12 March, the ECEM conducted a series of retreats for the Hieronymite nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Angels in Constantina. They also organised a series of online retreats for consecrated people during Holy Week (27 March to 3 April). Eighty-two people from different congregations took part: Sisters of the Love of God, Claretian Missionary Sisters, Daughters of Christ the King, Missionaries of Parish Action, Adorers, Calasanctians, Mercedarian Sisters of Charity, Daughters of Charity and Claretian Missionaries.
For their part, the spiritual exercises ‘In daily life’ continue. There are more than three hundred people doing them. The groups of the parish of San Juan de Benito and of the Pastoral Centre of Almendralejo had their second retreat on March 13; in the Parish of Claret of Seville it was on March 20. In addition, on 6 and 21 March there was an online retreat for lay people organised by the ECEM. Lay people from different parts of Andalusia and the Canary Islands took part. Two training sessions were also held with the catechists of Medina de las Torres. The catechists of the Parish of the Holy Spirit in Granada received the second training session on the 19th and 20th March.
In addition to all of the above, during the month of March the ECEM preached the triduum of Jesús Nazareno de Puebla de Sancho Pérez, the septenary of the Virgen de la Soledad de Don Benito and the Quinario de la Virgen de la Piedad de Almendralejo. These are initiatives that show the work of the team as servants of the Word.