First meeting in person of the Couples Group in the Parish of Areosa

On 5 October 2021 the Couples Group of the Parish of Our Lady of Areosa (Porto, Portugal) met again in person, after more than a year of contacts and online meetings.

Although not all the members were present, it was an opportunity to review and reflect on the group and its mission in the community. It was also the moment to elect the new coordinating couple of the group for the year 2021-2022, which will be Joana Reis and Tiago Araújo.

The Parish invites all couples in the community who wish to join this group whose main objectives are:

– To reflect on issues related to the family and Christian life in the family, through the exchange of ideas and testimonies.

– To be a space of growth in faith for the couple after their marriage.

– To strengthen the bonds between the couples in the group and their families and, eventually, to be a support in times of greater difficulty.

– To collaborate actively in the dynamization of initiatives related to the Family Pastoral or others, promoted in our Parish, or proposed by the group.

The meetings are scheduled for the first Friday of each month, at 9.30 p.m., in the Parish. For more information, interested couples can write an email to


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