Commentary for Sunday: VII Easter (The Ascension)

2 June 2019. (7Th T P (C) The Ascension.

For a while the risen Lord appeared several times to the disciples. On this solemnity of the Ascension, Jesus appeared, he promised not to leave them  alone, he entrusted a mission to them, and they saw him rise into the heavens.

It is the time of his glorification, to be next to the Father with full power over heaven and earth. Now he can send us his Spirit. He will return at the end of the time.

His Ascension is a mystery that we can only accept through our faith. God sits him on his right hand in recognition of his work. He has finished his time among us but does not abandon us. There will be a new form of presence: “I am with you until the end of the world”. Thus, we will be able to fulfill his wishes: “Make disciples, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…”

Today is a day of joy because the Ascension of Jesus is the victory of those of us who believe in Him, because we share his divinity. It is a day of hope because where he is, we will also be, according to his promise: “I’m going to prepare a place for you”. And it is a day of commitment, because it is not easy to be his witnesses in a world in which there are so many obstacles for believers. Today we pray with St. Paul “to give us his Spirit to know him, and to enlighten our hearts to understand what is the hope he calls us to.”

Juan Ramon Gomez Pascual, cmf

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