February 16th, 2020. 6th of Ordinary Time. Mt 5, 20-37
We still hear it said that “Caesar’s wife is not only to be, but to appear so”. But in our world things have changed. Now the important thing is not to be, but to be seen. What matters is not to be good, but to look good; it is not so much to be honest, as to be caught by justice. We live in a society dominated by appearances. This is not sincerity.
In Sunday’s gospel, Jesus calls us to recognize our failures, so that we can take the step towards the best (He calls it the Kingdom of God).
Are there any of us who have not been angry with our brother or sister, or who have lied or looked at another person with bad desires? Jesus could also tell us that “let him who is without sin cast the first stone”. But He only calls us to act from the sincerity of our heart and to overcome outward compliance and appearances. He calls us to authenticity. To make a greater effort on behalf of our brothers and sisters.
May our lives be built from truth and love. How good it would be if, losing the fear of what they will say, our life could be salt and light for those who observe us.
Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf