Commentary for Sunday: II Ordinary Time

January 19, 2020. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Cycle A. Jn 1:29-34

A witness is one who gives faith, who certifies with his words and actions an event he has experienced.
Today, John the Baptist tells us that he is a witness that Jesus is the Lamb of God, the one who takes away the sin of the world, and who has seen the Spirit of God upon him.
Our time, our world, needs authentic witnesses, convinced Christians who bear witness to Jesus. If we have known him, if he has had something to do with our life, we cannot remain silent. There are many who do not know him, who have not yet met him, and are waiting for someone to open their eyes.
Whoever has experienced Jesus in some way (and so many times he passes by us!), cannot keep silent about it. They must be like the Baptist, a witness to God’s love. They must share with others the joy of the good news: this is the Lamb of God, who makes me happy when I live authentically.

Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf

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