Commentary for Sunday: 24th January

Mark 1, 14-20:

SUNDAY 24th JANUARY 2021 (3º O T  B)


John the Baptist has been arrested and is in prison. Now it is Jesus who begins his preaching in Galilee: “The time is fulfilled. The Kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the Gospel”.


“I am already converted. I do not need to repent. I’m a good person and I’m a good person for the Church, what am I going to convert from?”


Many people think this without knowing that conversion is more than “behaving well”, although that is where we should start (Jonah and the Ninevites). Conversion brings with it a change of mentality, a change in our life structures. Jesus tells us: ” Repent and believe in the Gospel “. In other words: live the values of the Gospel to the full.


And he called some to look closely at how he acted, to live with him and like him. They got their hopes up, left everything and went with him (they were converted). Later they taught it to us and asked us to go with them, to live like him.


We need people in the Church who dare to live like Jesus and who continue to make their own values present. And that some of them listen to the call to be “fishers of men”, servants out of love.


Let us ask God our Father for this.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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