Commentary for Sunday: 17th January

John 1, 35-42:

Sunday, 17th January 2021 (2nd T O B)

We are at the beginning of Jesus’ public life. John the Baptist tells his disciples who the Lamb of God is.
The first followers appear: “We have found the Messiah”. They went that evening and stayed with him. From that moment they will no longer be the same. From now on they will follow him, they will live with him and like him. Later they will become witnesses of his life and resurrection.
How many times do I have to witness to my own faith every day? There are believers of other religions who are worthy of admiration – they have nothing to do with fanatics.
If I had to give an account of my faith today to someone who asked me why I believe, whom I believe, could I say the same words of Jesus: “Come and see”?
It seems that sometimes we are “ashamed” to believe and we want to keep it too personal. And for a Christian there can be nothing that gives greater satisfaction and pride than being able to say that living in love with those who come to us by whatever means fills one’s life with satisfaction. Whoever wants to, let him come and see.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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