Christian formation for adults in the Parish of Areosa

The Parish of N.ª S.ª da Areosa offers adult formation groups for young people over 18 years of age, parents of children/young catechists and all other adults, including the elderly. Sessions are held on Sundays between 11:00 and 12:00 (other times are possible depending on availability). The groups are oriented towards different needs:

Baptism and 1st Communion. We prepare adults to receive the first sacraments of Christian initiation: Baptism and Eucharist. Normally, catechumens receive these sacraments during the Easter Vigil in the parish.

Confirmation. It has become a tradition to create an annual course of preparation for Confirmation for adults that begins in mid-October until the end of June. The confirmation ceremony takes place on the first Sunday in July in the cathedral of Porto.

Post-confirmation formation. In this year 2019 we are experimentally creating cycles of formation for adults already confirmed. Experience has shown that there are people who, after Confirmation, want to continue deepening their faith.

We join the Parish in inviting those who are interested to try it out without any commitment.

You can get more information here.


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