The month of June is bringing a lot of activity for the young people of the parishes of our Province of Fatima, who are finishing the course or participating actively in the different events and festivities that are taking place. Here are some of them:
Our Lady of Carmen Parish in Malaga (Spain). The youth groups of the parish officially finished the course thanking for all they have learned and shared during these months, keeping everything in the Heart of Mary. This summer they will continue living experiences with God in the Claretian Summer organised by the Team of PJV_Spain in Loja (Spain), in the Camp Aliatar and with the WYD Lisbon 2023 in Claretian Family.
Holy Spirit Parish of Granada (Spain). The boys and girls who have made their First Communion participated actively in the celebration and procession of the Corpus Christi that the Parish carried out through the streets of the parish and that was full of joy and colour.
Our Lady of El Pilar Parish in Tenerife (Spain). Once again this year, the Youth Group of the Parish prepared the design and made a carpet to decorate the streets for the Corpus Christi procession on Sunday 11 June. In this way, they wanted to show that this is what they want their lives to be like: help for the Lord who goes out into the world.
Church of the Heart of Mary ‘Los Padres’ in Almendralejo (Badajoz, Spain). On the occasion of the feast of Corpus Christi, the youngest members of the parish took an active part on Sunday 11 June in the Eucharist celebrated in honour of the bread of life, which is shared and which fills our hearts with simplicity.
St. Mary’s Parish in Tondela (Portugal). A group of 32 children in 5th grade of Catechesis celebrated the Feast of Hope to profess their faith on the 4th of June, Sunday of the Holy Trinity, accompanied by their parents, siblings, relatives and friends. Victor Portugal cmf explained the Gospel and used the image of the Anchor to interact with the children about the meaning of Hope, which is Jesus, who is our life and our security. Afterwards, a profession of faith was made with the 30 children present, where each one brought and read a sentence near the altar.
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Almendralejo
- Málaga
- Tenerife
- Tenerife
- Tenerife
- Tenerife
- Tenerife
- Tenerife
- Tenerife
- Tenerife
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Granada
- Tondela
- Tondela
- Tondela
- Tondela