Visit of the General Prefect of Formation to the formative community of Granada

In the framework of a series of visits to the Claretian formation centres of Europe, Fr. Joseph Mbungu, General Prefect of Formation, visited the formation community of Granada from November 10 to 13.

Fr. Joseph shared during those days the different moments of the life of the community, dedicating a great part of his time to personal encounters with the formation team, students, postulants… and greeting the elders of the assistance group.

He was also present at the Parish of the Holy Spirit. A significant moment of his stay was the visit to the Faculty of Theology in Granada where the young missionaries in formation study. During this visit he was able to see the facilities of the Faculty, talk with the dean and greet professors and students.

A walk around Granada and a visit to the Alhambra and the Sacromonte Abbey where Fr. Claret stayed in 1862 completed Fr. Joseph’s stay with us, to whom we are grateful for his presence and his words of encouragement and missionary stimulus.


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