Under the motto “In these last times…”, the V Formative Encounter of the Betica and North regions of the Lay Claretians, which group all the communities of Spain, was held in El Escorial (Madrid, Spain) from December 8 to 10. In this way, lay people and advisors were able to meet with families, children and members of Claretian schools.
The encounter began on Friday 8 with the celebration of a Eucharist presided by the adviser of the Northern Region, Fr. Juan Lozano, on the occasion of the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Afterwards, the final document of the General Assembly of the Lay Claretians, held in Leioa last July, was presented. The presentation, which was presided over by the Secretary General, Miguel Ángel Sosa, counted with the telematic presence of several members and served to put in common the reality of the different communities and platforms of the two regions. After sharing in small groups the situation, difficulties, strengths and challenges of each community, the day ended with a prayer to Our Lady.
The following day was dedicated to the formative aspect through workshops on different themes: the Church with a woman’s face; I still have a lot to offer (role and accompaniment of the elderly in the movement); Christianity and sexual diversity; and The lay person in the world of work. The Eucharist, presided by the adviser of the Betica Region and procurator of Missions of the Province of Fatima, Fr. Gabriel Ponce, also served to celebrate the incorporation into the Lay Claretian Movement of José Gabriel Amado, who had already carried out his discernment process with the Bereshit community of Bilbao.
The last day began with the recitation of Lauds to later share the conclusions and work proposals that emerged from the different workshops. The meeting closed with a prayer of sending and thanksgiving to thank God for these days of fraternal encounter, prayer, formation and celebration. In this way, the Claretian Family was also entrusted to the Heart of Mary, so that with her example of trust and fidelity to God, she may help to be leaven in the dough.
(Information by Natalia Padrones)