The Parish of Our Lady of the Pilar in Tenerife (Spain) is experiencing a very intense month of October. As the culmination of the Missionary October, it will celebrate the Triduum to St. Anthony Mary Claret, on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th at the Eucharist at 19.30 hours.
On Saturday 22nd, the first day of the Triduum, all the Pastoral Agents of the Parish will be sent out, followed by a fraternal agape. The 23rd, Sunday, the second day of the Triduum, coincides with World Mission Day, which has as its motto “You will be my witnesses”. And on Monday, the 24th, the triduum will end with the liturgical Feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret, culminating in this way the Claretian missionary days in which the Parish has wanted to strengthen the missionary service of communion, participation and mission.
We pray that the grace of Fr. Claret may fall on all the parishes that celebrate the triduum in his honour during these days. A faithful witness of the Gospel, today his spirit continues to be present in the missionaries, religious and lay people who continue his life and mission in the Church.