The Parish of El Pilar in Tenerife prepares for its big day

The Parish of Our Lady of the Pilar in Tenerife (Spain) is putting the finishing touches to its big day, the celebration of the Virgin of the Pilar. So, tomorrow, Wednesday 12th October, at 12.30 p.m., the Parish Eucharist will be celebrated. There will also be Eucharists at 9.30 am and 7.30 pm.

We join in your prayers as it is an auspicious day to become aware of your parish life around Mary, the Virgin of the Pillar. This image of Our Lady points to the pillars of the Christian Community: Jesus Christ, visible in Celebration, in Communion, in Listening and in Service.

After the Eucharist at 12.30 p.m., the Missionary Paella will be celebrated with the aim of meeting, sharing, enjoying and collaborating with the cooperation projects of Proclade Canarias.

This year the funds are destined to the Father Lerchundi Home in Tangier (Morocco): a children’s day centre, where the children receive a daily meal, schooling and medical care. Tickets will be available after the 12.30 p.m. Eucharist for all those who wish to attend. To book a table, please contact Sonia (Missions Group) by WhatsApp on 636 129 554.

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