Taking care of the familia: ask Jesus Christ what he wants you to do


Third Sunday of Easter
Jn 21:1-19

After the Resurrection Jesus appears (manifests himself) to his own (we don’t know how many times). He does so mainly to express to them his love, strengthen them in their faith, satisfy their hunger…
It usually happens in private, seeking sensitivity, the affection of those closest, of his community, his FAMILY.
Jesus also manifests himself to us on many occasions: in the Eucharist, in nature, in people, in events, in the FAMILY…
Sometimes he challenges us: “Cast your nets”, “Go into the deep”…
At other times he asks: “Do You Love Me?”…

Proposal to take care of your family this week:
At our next Eucharist (or time of prayer) let us engage in cordial dialogue with Jesus:
 What do you want from me?
 What do I need to change to deserve your friendship?
 What can I do on a personal and FAMILY level to show your presence to others?

Manolo Devolx

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