Take care of your family: Find a special time to strengthen the relationships within our families

26 January 2020. III ORDINARY TIME (Mt 4:12-23)

Jesus shows himself to fishermen, simple people. He calls them by name, he invites them to have their own responsibility, to take life into their own hands and to get involved by breaking ties with what they had until then. Curiously, in this passage, he calls members of the same families (4 brothers). And the desire of Jesus for these brothers is that they be bearers of a message of hope and builders of a more fraternal society, where we all share life and faith: Jesus starts from the “small” family to build another much “larger” family.


There is a parallel between the call of Jesus to follow Him and the signs those of us who are parents make daily so that our children follow in our footsteps. Perhaps this week we could look for a special moment to strengthen our relationships: a meeting, an outing, a celebration?

Tere Molina and Juan Alcaide

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