ALL SAINTS (Mt 5, 1-12a)
We can make a double take on the Beatitudes: on the one hand we recognise the text of Matthew as it is offered to us in the liturgy. On the other hand we read it in the following ways: we change the words “poor” to “rich,” “suffering” to “rebellious,” “weeping” to “laughing,” “justice to “social recognition,” “merciful” to “selfish,” and “peacemakers” to “aggressors.
Thus we will have two Beatitudes: the evangelical ones and the world’s. Surely we know many people and many environments where the ones of the world are the favourites, those of the winners.
Surely those of the world will grate on us when we read them. But we may actually practice them very often.
Proposal to take care of the family this week
Let’s review our family values. What we advise our children to do to defend themselves for life. How our family reacts when we want to achieve our goals or when we feel attacked.
Let us meditate on how Jesus lived the Beatitudes he preached. Is our happiness placed in that way of life?
Margarita Angulo and José Morenodávila