VI Sunday of Easter, Cycle C (John 14, 23-29)
The Gospel of John speaks of things that are very relevant for us as families. On the one hand, in the context of his farewell, Jesus helps his disciples to overcome the fears of being left without a teacher, leaving them with the Holy Spirit to watch over them, who will show them the way and remind them and teach them everything as many times as needed; they will not be alone nor will we ever be alone. It also well for us to remember that God never leaves us alone and, with Him, we overcome all our fears, also those we live within the family.
On the other hand, Jesus speaks of peace as a gift that allows us to live with courage (“do not let your heart be troubled or afraid”). And Jesus invites each member of our home to continue living in peace, in a personal and collective style of life that identifies us as Christians: fraternity, justice, togetherness, solidarity… And always starting at home.
Proposal to take care of the family this week:
The family is a space where to follow Jesus, bearing witness to him, generating a life style in keeping with him, making gestures between us and with others that we believe. This week, as a way to make this a reality, we propose sharing a fear that we have with the rest of the family and talk about how to overcome it.
Teresa Molina and Juan Alcaide