Take care of the family: Discuss how our family is being an agent of social change

Sunday V OF LENT
John 8:1-11
To forgive, Jesus does not need to understand the reason for the sin, neither does forgiveness annul responsibility. The adulterous woman takes charge of her situation, she remains there, she feels anguish. Jesus with his attitude, from greater freedom, gives us a lesson of truth and justice. Jesus gives tenderness in front of the incomprehension of men which remind us of the oppression and inequalities that women are suffering in all areas of life today. This gives us confidence, lays the groundwork for a change. In contrast, the men without recognising their own sin, without even asking the women… condemn her.
Today everyone is denouncing the inequality at the social level that women live in front of the man, a situation so ingrained that it is constantly generating, more or less explicitly, violence and suffering, even in many of our families.
Against this, Jesus makes us an invitation to facilitate and promote attitudes that help to alleviate the great social inequalities as well as the application of this, in our contexts, work, family, the neighbourhood. Our families, following his example, have to be agents of change.

As parents, as children, as workers, as neighbours, as people with full rights, we have to take care with tenderness, without becoming involved in spiteful claims. Listen, respect and promote change in all the small things that day to day surround us. Look with the same tenderness at our own possibilities of change.

Tere Molina and Juan Alcaide



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