The PJV_Spain Team has organised an online meeting of Neo APJs for Wednesday 18th January. It will be at 20.00 hours (19.00 hours in the Canary Islands). The aim, as well as having a time to meet [...]
On the 13th of May, the Day of Our Lady of Fatima, the Fatima YVM Team took the opportunity to hold the 2nd Online Meeting of the Youth of the Province. The event, besides helping the young [...]
The Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelisation (ECEM) conducted last September 18 an online formation day for the Daughters of Christ the King of Spain who are engaged in parish ministry. Under [...]
The Claretian Team of Missionary Evangelisation (ECEM), directs from July 14 to 22 a series of online spiritual exercises dedicated to consecrated women (Mercedarian Sisters of Charity, Adorers, [...]
The reflection and sharing with the volunteers of the different organisations of our Province is always important. On this occasion, it was the volunteers of PROCURA – Missões Claretianas [...]
A few weeks ago, on 9 June, an online meeting of the Team of Parishes and Temples in Spain of the Province of Fatima was held. The meeting reviewed the actions that are being carried out in this [...]
From 25 to 29 January 2021 the first meeting of mission procurators of the Claretian Missionaries was held. Although it was planned to take place in Rome, due to travel restrictions caused by the [...]